DWP #2 My Feelings On Cold Weather

Daily writing prompt
How do you feel about cold weather?

I love cold weather, granted I’ve never lived in a place where it snows. However it’s been a desire of mine to live in a place where it snows. Perhaps my viewpoint might change after living in such a place, but for now I love the cold and want to experience snow days and snowy weather. Winter for me is

Via Giphy.com

I enjoy both the fall and the winter months the most because it’s a time where I feel cozy. I like snuggling under the blankets and having hot chocolate and I don’t know I just like that kind of weather the best. You can always layer and if you get too warm then you can take off the layers. Overall I like balance as that’s the best course of action.

Via Giphy.com

But that’s just my take. What’s your take on cold weather? Leave a comment below.

Until the next post,

-The Blerdy Librarian

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