Summer Reading 2024

And I’m back with another post today! This is new, I’ve never written more than one post in a day… hmm… perhaps I’m getting back to enjoying writing quicker, perhaps not. Every day is a winding road and I’m getting closer to feeling fine, but it’s at a slow and steady pace-which is good of course.


So since a few years ago I’ve been participating the GoodReads Reading Challenge. It’s just a fun way for me to keep reading and keep a record of what and how many books I’ve been reading. Though I think I’m going to do something different in the future. I did find this Reading Planner on Temu which I might use, so we’ll see. But getting back to what I was writing…

For the overall year last year I had two goals:  

First, I wanted to read a total of 40 books for the year, but I surpassed that in the summer and wanted to make a second try at reading 200 books for the year, since I accomplished previously. Alas, I didn’t make that goal due to the world being a stressful place for me personally, my family, and society at large. But I did manage to read 180 books.

Okay for my second goal I had six sub goals dedicated to what I wanted to accomplish specifically regarding how I read. To recap, these goals were:

  1. Read more books by Black, Indigenous and people of color-specifically by Black Womxn
  2. Read more history books
  3. Read more spiritual/religious books
  4. Read more art/crafting books
  5. Finish books that I’ve previously started
  6. Continue reading for fun

I somewhat accomplished these goals. Okay moving on to 2024…

Due to multiple sources of stress, I decided that my reading goal would be 10 and ONLY 10 books. And I’ve accomplished that. But it was a struggle and also I’m not really in the mood to read. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve purchased and got a lot of free books, I’ve been reading a bit, but overall I’m not in the mood to read. Which is very weird for me.

Normally I’d be like “Let’s read 40 or 60 more books!” But this time I’m like

I think if my family and I were in a new home then I wouldn’t be feeling this way. (Apologies for the trauma dump) Where we currently reside we’ve been harassed and intimidated by our neighbors for about 3.5 years (HOA’s suck!) and we haven’t a fridge for about 1.5 years and our hot water is being tampered with and is coming dirty and very hot. I’m looking for a job and that’s been going okay, I just need to for us to find a house. So yeah that’s been stressful but

I wrote all of that to say that I’m going to try and read more. I want to go back to enjoying my books. There’s books that I haven’t started or finished that I want to get to this summer. So wish me luck.

Until the next post!

-The Blerdy Librarian

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