DWP #5 Countries Do I want To Visit

Daily writing prompt
What countries do you want to visit?

Hello dear readers, today’s been a bit hard as I’m not feeling well and work has been interesting as a student put a lot of weed into one of the sinks in the restroom this morning.

Like why would you do this? What’s the reason?

Since I’m not feeling well to write a lot, here’s another daily writing prompt for ya!


This was an excellent film! Via Tenor.com.

I’ve been wanting to visit this country since I was a kid. My love of Japan started with anime but as I’ve learned a lot more about the country and it’s history and culture, my love has grown. I hope to visit in the near future and it’s one of the places that I want to live.

South Korea

My boys representing! Via Giphy.com.

While, K-pop introduced me to the country, would like to visit and learn more about the country and it’s culture beyond the Hallyu wave.


Via Giphy.com.

This is just a destination that I would like to check out, and visit.

Costa Rica

Via Giphy.com.

I’ve heard good things about this place. Also I want to see the sloths.


Via Giphy.com.

It’s an interesting place with a lot of interesting animals. The Great Barrier Reef is a place I’ve always wanted to go. Also it’s home to the Crocodile Hunter’s family so why not?


Via Giphy.com

There’s many places that I would love to visit in this country-of course the Great Wall is a no-brainer, but the more I see about the various destinations there, the more my interest has grown.


Via Giphy.com

I was born there but I didn’t stay long so I would like to go back and visit the city and hospital where I was born and travel throughout the country. I’m a bit embarrassed by Germany right now as they’re being brutal to folks who are protesting against the genocide in Gaza.

Are you not embarrassed? Via Giphy.com

There’s more places that I would like to visit but as I stated earlier I’m not feeling well, hence the briefness.

Until the next post.

-The Blerdy Librarian

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